India participates in Governing Body Meeting of ILO in Geneva
Published: Mar 17, 2025

By TIOLCorplaws News Service
NEW DELHI, MARCH 17, 2025: THE 353rd Governing Body meeting of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, from March 10 to March 20, 2025. The meeting brings together the tripartite constituents of ILO i.e. representatives from governments, workers, and employers, to discuss crucial matters relating to the world of work and the governance of ILO.
The Indian delegation, led by Sumita Dawra, Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, made several interventions on key issues, showcasing India's achievements, learnings and perspectives to advance the shared agenda of promoting labour welfare, social justice and quality employment generation globally.
Second World Summit for Social Development
India extended its support to ILO on the organization of the UN led Second World Summit for Social Development in Doha, Qatar later this year, as it aims at reinforcing the social dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Social Development. India's inspiring progress in promoting social justice and development was highlighted, as India has doubled its social protection coverage to 48.8 percent , increasing the average global social protection coverage by over 5 percent.
In this context, contribution of India's flagship institutions and schemes such as EPFO (7.37 crore contributing members), ESIC (14.4 crore beneficiaries), e-Shram Portal (30.6 crore registered unorganized members), PM Jan Arogya Yojana (60 crore beneficiaries) and Targeted PDS (food security to 81.35 crore beneficiaries) was acknowledged.
ILO Fair Migration Agenda and Action
India, as one of the largest countries of origin of migrant workers and recipient of highest remittances, reiterated its support for greater global cooperation in promoting well-managed, skills-based migration pathways. ILO was urged to enhance efforts towards generating global momentum for securing social protection and rights for migrant workers through bilateral labour migration and social security agreements. Support was extended for ILO's proposal to convene the first Tripartite Global Forum on Migration under the ILO based Global Coalition for Social Justice, by India as a leading partner of the Global Coalition.
Global Framework on Chemicals
India reaffirmed its commitment towards playing a leading role towards ensuring a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste, safeguarding workers, communities and the environment. The actions being undertaken by ILO in follow up to the Bonn Declaration were acknowledged.
Key initiatives taken by India towards safeguarding the health and safety of workers and communities including Factories Act, 1948 and Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, were underscored. Capacity-building measures under the Viksit Bharat 2047 Action Plan towards ensuring workplace safety in Major Accident Hazardous (MAH) units were highlighted.
The Indian delegation also held several bilateral discussions with the Director General and senior experts of ILO, and representatives of other countries on labour and employment matters of keen interest to India.
Bilateral Discussion with Director General-ILO
Dawra met Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, the DG-ILO and congratulated him for his flagship initiative the Global Coalition for Social Justice, which has emerged as a robust platform for global collaboration to promote social justice. She also reiterated the need for ILO to consider in-kind benefits while assessing social protection coverage.
This is crucial as India has commenced a State Specific Data Pooling exercise in collaboration with ILO to get a more accurate assessment of India's social protection coverage.
DG-ILO appreciated India for playing a leading role in the Global Coalition by championing the key Coalition intervention "Responsible business for sustainable and inclusive societies," and successfully organizing the first ever "Regional Dialogue on Social Justice" at New Delhi last month. He added, "This has inspired other Coalition countries (partners) to enhance their contribution to the Coalition's agenda".
Mr. Houngbo invited India to participate pro-actively in the upcoming Annual Forum on Social Justice, and showcase best practices of Indian industry in terms of Responsible Business Conduct, payment of Living Wages, and harnessing AI for a socially just Future of Work.
The DG also expressed his appreciation for India's first ever voluntary financial support to ILO towards conduct of a feasibility study on development of international reference classification of occupations by ILO and OECD. This India led initiative will facilitate in galvanizing global employment opportunities for Indian youth through benchmarking, and mutual recognition of skills and qualifications. Development of the international classification is a historic commitment made by the G20 leaders under India's G20 presidency of 2023 .
India discussed future collaborations in pipeline with ILO on shared priorities including determination and operationalization of living wages, gig and platform workers' welfare and decent work in value chains. The Indian delegation included Rakesh Gaur, Deputy Director, Ministry of Labour & Employment.